Source code for rfpipe.candidates

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from builtins import bytes, dict, object, range, map, input#, str # not numpy/python2 compatible
from future.utils import itervalues, viewitems, iteritems, listvalues, listitems
from io import open

import pickle
import os
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
from rfpipe import util, version, fileLock, state
from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, Figure, save, output_file
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.models import Row
from collections import OrderedDict

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CandData(object): """ Object that bundles data from search stage to candidate visualization. Provides some properties for the state of the phased data and candidate. """ def __init__(self, state, loc, image, data): """ Instantiate with pipeline state, candidate location tuple, image, and resampled data phased to candidate. TODO: Need to use search_dimensions to infer candloc meaning """ self.state = state self.loc = tuple(loc) self.image = image = data assert len(loc) == len(state.search_dimensions), ("candidate location " "should set each of " "the st.search_dimensions") def __repr__(self): return 'CandData for scanId {0} at loc {1}'.format(self.state.metadata.scanId, self.loc) @property def peak_lm(self): """ """ return self.state.pixtolm(self.peak_xy) @property def peak_xy(self): """ Peak pixel in image Only supports positive peaks for now. """ return np.where(self.image == self.image.max()) @property def time_top(self): """ Time in mjd where burst is at top of band """ return (self.state.segmenttimes[self.loc[0]][0] + (self.loc[1]*self.state.inttime)/(24*3600))
[docs]class CandCollection(object): """ Wrap candidate array with metadata and prefs to be attached and pickled. """ def __init__(self, array=np.array([]), prefs=None, metadata=None): self.array = array self.prefs = prefs self.metadata = metadata self.rfpipe_version = version.__version__ self._state = None def __repr__(self): if self.metadata is not None: return ('CandCollection for {0}, scan {1} with {2} candidates' .format(self.metadata.datasetId, self.metadata.scan, len(self))) else: return ('CandCollection with {0} rows'.format(len(self.array))) def __len__(self): return len(self.array) def __add__(self, cc): """ Allow candcollections to be added within a given scan. (same dmarr, dtarr, segmenttimes) Adding empty cc ok, too. """ if len(cc): assert ==, "Cannot add collections with different preferences" assert self.state.dmarr == cc.state.dmarr, "Cannot add collections with different dmarr" assert self.state.dtarr == cc.state.dtarr, "Cannot add collections with different dmarr" assert (self.state.segmenttimes == cc.state.segmenttimes).all(), "Cannot add collections with different segmenttimes" if len(self): self.array = np.concatenate((self.array, cc.array)) else: self.array = cc.array return self @property def scan(self): if self.metadata is not None: return self.metadata.scan else: return None @property def segment(self): if len(self.array): segments = np.unique(self.array['segment']) if len(segments) == 1: return int(segments[0]) elif len(segments) > 1: logger.warn("Multiple segments in this collection") return segments else: logger.warn("No candidates in this collection") return None else: return None @property def candmjd(self): """ Candidate MJD at top of band """ # dt_inf = util.calc_delay2(1e5, self.state.freq.max(), self.canddm) t_top = np.array(self.state.segmenttimes)[self.array['segment'], 0] + (self.array['integration']*self.state.inttime)/(24*3600) return t_top @property def canddm(self): """ Candidate DM in pc/cm3 """ dmarr = np.array(self.state.dmarr) return dmarr[self.array['dmind']] @property def canddt(self): """ Candidate dt in seconds """ dtarr = np.array(self.state.dtarr) return self.metadata.inttime*dtarr[self.array['dtind']] @property def candl(self): """ Return l1 for candidate (offset from phase center in RA direction) """ # beamnum not yet supported return self.array['l1'] @property def candm(self): """ Return m1 for candidate (offset from phase center in Dec direction) """ # beamnum not yet supported return self.array['m1'] @property def state(self): """ Sets state by regenerating from the metadata and prefs. """ if self._state is None: self._state = state.State(inmeta=self.metadata, inprefs=self.prefs, showsummary=False) return self._state
def calc_features(canddatalist): """ Calculates the candidate features for CandData instance(s). Returns structured numpy array of candidate features labels defined in st.search_dimensions. Generates png plot for peak cands, if so defined in preferences. """ if isinstance(canddatalist, CandData): logger.debug('Wrapping solo CandData object') canddatalist = [canddatalist] elif isinstance(canddatalist, list): if not len(canddatalist): return CandCollection() else: logger.warn("argument must be list of CandData object")'Calculating features for {0} candidates.' .format(len(canddatalist))) # TODO: generate dtype from st.features st = canddatalist[0].state fields = [str(ff) for ff in st.search_dimensions + st.features] types = [str(tt) for tt in len(st.search_dimensions)*['<i4'] + len(st.features)*['<f4']] dtype = list(zip(fields, types)) features = np.zeros(len(canddatalist), dtype=dtype) for i in range(len(canddatalist)): canddata = canddatalist[i] st = canddata.state image = canddata.image dataph = # candloc = canddata.loc ff = list(canddata.loc) # assemble feature in requested order. Order matters! # TODO: fill out more features for feat in st.features: if feat == 'snr1': # imstd = util.madtostd(image) # outlier resistant imstd = image.std() # consistent with rfgpu logger.debug('{0} {1}'.format(image.shape, imstd)) snrmax = image.max()/imstd snrmin = image.min()/imstd snr = snrmax if snrmax >= snrmin else snrmin ff.append(snr) elif feat == 'immax1': if snr > 0: ff.append(image.max()) else: ff.append(image.min()) elif feat == 'l1': l1, m1 = st.pixtolm(np.where(image == image.max())) ff.append(float(l1)) elif feat == 'm1': l1, m1 = st.pixtolm(np.where(image == image.max())) ff.append(float(m1)) else: print(feat) raise NotImplementedError("Feature {0} calculation not ready" .format(feat)) features[i] = tuple(ff) candcollection = CandCollection(array=features, prefs=st.prefs, metadata=st.metadata) # make plot for peak snr in collection # TODO: think about candidate clustering if st.prefs.savecands and len(candcollection.array): snrs = candcollection.array['snr1'].flatten() maxindex = np.argmax(snrs) # save plot and canddata at peaksnr candplot(canddatalist[maxindex], snrs=snrs) save_cands(st, canddata=canddatalist[maxindex]) return candcollection # return tuple as handle on pipeline def save_cands(st, candcollection=None, canddata=None): """ Save candidate collection or cand data to pickle file. Collection saved as array with metadata and preferences attached. Writes to location defined by state using a file lock to allow multiple writers. """ if canddata is not None: if st.prefs.savecands:'Saving CandData to {0}.'.format(st.candsfile)) try: with fileLock.FileLock(st.candsfile+'.lock', timeout=10): with open(st.candsfile, 'ab+') as pkl: pickle.dump(canddata, pkl) except fileLock.FileLock.FileLockException: segment = canddata.loc[0] newcandsfile = ('{0}_seg{1}.pkl' .format(st.candsfile.rstrip('.pkl'), segment)) logger.warn('Candidate file writing timeout. ' 'Spilling to new file {0}.'.format(newcandsfile)) with open(newcandsfile, 'ab+') as pkl: pickle.dump(canddata, pkl) else:'Not saving CandData.') if candcollection is not None: if st.prefs.savecands and len(candcollection.array):'Saving {0} candidates to {1}.' .format(len(candcollection.array), st.candsfile)) try: with fileLock.FileLock(st.candsfile+'.lock', timeout=10): with open(st.candsfile, 'ab+') as pkl: pickle.dump(candcollection, pkl) except fileLock.FileLock.FileLockException: segment = candcollection.segment newcandsfile = ('{0}_seg{1}.pkl' .format(st.candsfile.rstrip('.pkl'), segment)) logger.warn('Candidate file writing timeout. ' 'Spilling to new file {0}.'.format(newcandsfile)) with open(newcandsfile, 'ab+') as pkl: pickle.dump(candcollection, pkl) elif st.prefs.savecands and not len(candcollection.array): logger.debug('No candidates to save to {0}.'.format(st.candsfile)) elif not st.prefs.savecands:'Not saving candidates.')
[docs]def iter_cands(candsfile, select='candcollection'): """ Iterate through (new style) candsfile and return either a candidatecollection or canddata. select defines what kind of object to return: - 'canddata' is heavier object with image and spectrum (used to make plots) - 'candcollection' is lighter object with features. """ assert select.lower() in ['candcollection', 'canddata'] try: with open(candsfile, 'rb') as pkl: while True: # step through all possible segments try: candobj = pickle.load(pkl) if select.lower() in str(type(candobj)).lower(): yield candobj except EOFError: logger.debug('Reached end of pickle.') break except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(candsfile, 'rb') as pkl: while True: # step through all possible segments try: candobj = pickle.load(pkl, encoding='latin-1') if select.lower() in str(type(candobj)).lower(): yield candobj except EOFError: logger.debug('Reached end of pickle.') break
def iter_noise(noisefile): """ Iterate through (new style) noisefile and return a list of tuples for each segment. """ try: with open(noisefile, 'rb') as pkl: while True: # step through all possible segments try: noises = pickle.load(pkl) for noise in noises: yield noise except EOFError: logger.debug('No more CandCollections.') break except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(noisefile, 'rb') as pkl: while True: # step through all possible segments try: noises = pickle.load(pkl, encoding='latin-1') for noise in noises: yield noise except EOFError: logger.debug('No more CandCollections.') break ### bokeh summary plot def makesummaryplot(candsfile): """ Given a scan's candsfile, read all candcollections and create bokeh summary plot """ time = [] segment = [] integration = [] dmind = [] dtind = [] snr = [] dm = [] dt = [] l1 = [] m1 = [] for cc in iter_cands(candsfile): time.append(cc.candmjd*(24*3600)) segment.append(cc.array['segment']) integration.append(cc.array['integration']) dmind.append(cc.array['dmind']) dtind.append(cc.array['dtind']) snr.append(cc.array['snr1']) dm.append(cc.canddm) dt.append(cc.canddt) l1.append(cc.array['l1']) m1.append(cc.array['m1']) time = np.concatenate(time) time = time - time.min() segment = np.concatenate(segment) integration = np.concatenate(integration) dmind = np.concatenate(dmind) dtind = np.concatenate(dtind) snr = np.concatenate(snr) dm = np.concatenate(dm) dt = np.concatenate(dt) l1 = np.concatenate(l1) m1 = np.concatenate(m1) keys = ['seg{0}-i{1}-dm{2}-dt{3}'.format(segment[i], integration[i], dmind[i], dtind[i]) for i in range(len(segment))] sizes = calcsize(snr) colors = colorsat(l1, m1) data = dict(snrs=snr, dm=dm, l1=l1, m1=m1, time=time, sizes=sizes, colors=colors, keys=keys) dmt = plotdmt(data) loc = plotloc(data) combined = Row(dmt, loc, width=950) htmlfile = candsfile.replace('.pkl', '.html') output_file(htmlfile) save(combined)"Saved summary plot {0} with {1} candidates" .format(htmlfile, len(segment))) def plotdmt(data, circleinds=[], crossinds=[], edgeinds=[], tools="hover,pan,box_select,wheel_zoom,reset", plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ Make a light-weight dm-time figure """ fields = ['dm', 'time', 'sizes', 'colors', 'snrs', 'keys'] if not len(circleinds): circleinds = list(range(len(data['snrs']))) # set ranges inds = circleinds + crossinds + edgeinds dm = [data['dm'][i] for i in inds] dm_min = min(min(dm), max(dm)/1.2) dm_max = max(max(dm), min(dm)*1.2) time = [data['time'][i] for i in inds] time_min = min(time)*0.95 time_max = max(time)*1.05 source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in circleinds if i not in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in list(data.items()) if key in fields})) dmt = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left", x_axis_label='Time (s; relative)', y_axis_label='DM (pc/cm3)', x_range=(time_min, time_max), y_range=(dm_min, dm_max), output_backend='webgl', tools=tools)'time', 'dm', size='sizes', fill_color='colors', line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.2, source=source) # if crossinds: # sourceneg = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in crossinds])) # for (key, value) in list(data.items()) if key in fields})) # dmt.cross('time', 'dm', size='sizes', fill_color='colors', # line_alpha=0.3, source=sourceneg) # # if edgeinds: # sourceedge = ColumnDataSource(data=dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in edgeinds])) # for (key, value) in list(data.items()) if key in fields})) #'time', 'dm', size='sizes', line_color='colors', # fill_color='colors', line_alpha=0.5, fill_alpha=0.2, # source=sourceedge) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([('SNR', '@snrs'), ('keys', '@keys')]) return dmt def plotloc(data, circleinds=[], crossinds=[], edgeinds=[], tools="hover,pan,box_select,wheel_zoom,reset", plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ Make a light-weight loc figure """ fields = ['l1', 'm1', 'sizes', 'colors', 'snrs', 'keys'] if not len(circleinds): circleinds = list(range(len(data['snrs']))) # set ranges inds = circleinds + crossinds + edgeinds l1 = [data['l1'][i] for i in inds] l1_min = min(l1)*0.95 l1_max = max(l1)*1.05 m1 = [data['m1'][i] for i in inds] m1_min = min(m1)*0.95 m1_max = max(m1)*1.05 source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in circleinds if i not in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in list(data.items()) if key in fields})) loc = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left", x_axis_label='l1 (rad)', y_axis_label='m1 (rad)', x_range=(l1_min, l1_max), y_range=(m1_min, m1_max), output_backend='webgl', tools=tools)'l1', 'm1', size='sizes', fill_color='colors', line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.2, source=source) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([('SNR', '@snrs'), ('keys', '@keys')]) return loc def calcsize(values, sizerange=(2, 70), inds=None, plaw=3): """ Use set of values to calculate symbol size. values is a list of floats for candidate significance. inds is an optional list of indexes to use to calculate symbol size. Scaling of symbol size min max set by sizerange tuple (min, max). plaw is powerlaw scaling of symbol size from values """ if inds: smax = max([abs(values[i]) for i in inds]) smin = min([abs(values[i]) for i in inds]) else: smax = max([abs(val) for val in values]) smin = min([abs(val) for val in values]) if smax == smin: return [sizerange[1]]*len(values) else: return [sizerange[0] + sizerange[1] * ((abs(val) - smin)/(smax - smin))**plaw for val in values] def colorsat(l, m): """ Returns color for given l,m Designed to look like a color wheel that is more saturated in middle. """ lm = np.zeros(len(l), dtype='complex') lm.real = l lm.imag = m red = 0.5*(1+np.cos(np.angle(lm))) green = 0.5*(1+np.cos(np.angle(lm) + 2*3.14/3)) blue = 0.5*(1+np.cos(np.angle(lm) - 2*3.14/3)) amp = np.where(lm == 0, 256, 256*np.abs(lm)/np.abs(lm).max()) return ["#%02x%02x%02x" % (np.floor(amp[i]*red[i]).astype(int), np.floor(amp[i]*green[i]).astype(int), np.floor(amp[i]*blue[i]).astype(int)) for i in range(len(l))] def calcinds(data, threshold, ignoret=None): """ Find indexes for data above (or below) given threshold. """ inds = [] for i in range(len(data['time'])): snr = data['snrs'][i] time = data['time'][i] if (threshold >= 0 and snr > threshold): if ignoret: incl = [t0 for (t0, t1) in ignoret if np.round(time).astype(int) in range(t0,t1)] logger.debug('{} {} {} {}'.format(np.round(time).astype(int), t0, t1, incl)) if not incl: inds.append(i) else: inds.append(i) elif threshold < 0 and snr < threshold: if ignoret: incl = [t0 for (t0, t1) in ignoret if np.round(time).astype(int) in range(t0,t1)] logger.debug('{} {} {} {}'.format(np.round(time).astype(int), t0, t1, incl)) if not incl: inds.append(i) else: inds.append(i) return inds def candplot(canddatalist, snrs=[], outname=''): """ Takes output of search_thresh (CandData objects) to make candidate plots. Expects pipeline state, candidate location, image, and phased, dedispersed data (cut out in time, dual-pol). snrs is array for an (optional) SNR histogram plot. Written by Bridget Andersen and modified by Casey for rfpipe. """ if not isinstance(canddatalist, list): logger.debug('Wrapping solo CandData object') canddatalist = [canddatalist]'Making {0} candidate plots.'.format(len(canddatalist))) for i in range(len(canddatalist)): canddata = canddatalist[i] st = canddata.state candloc = canddata.loc im = canddata.image data = scan = st.metadata.scan segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum = candloc # calc source location # imstd = util.madtostd(im) # outlier resistant imstd = im.std() # consistent with rfgpu snrmin = im.min()/imstd snrmax = im.max()/imstd if snrmax > -1*snrmin: l1, m1 = st.pixtolm(np.where(im == im.max())) snrobs = snrmax else: l1, m1 = st.pixtolm(np.where(im == im.min())) snrobs = snrmin'Plotting candloc {0} with SNR {1:.1f} and image/data shapes: {2}/{3}' .format(str(candloc), snrobs, str(im.shape), str(data.shape))) pt_ra, pt_dec = st.metadata.radec src_ra, src_dec = source_location(pt_ra, pt_dec, l1, m1)'Peak (RA, Dec): %s, %s' % (src_ra, src_dec)) # convert l1 and m1 from radians to arcminutes l1arcm = np.degrees(l1)*60 m1arcm = np.degrees(m1)*60 # build overall plot fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(12.75, 8)) # add metadata in subfigure ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1, facecolor='white') # calculate the overall dispersion delay: dd f1 = st.metadata.freq_orig[0] f2 = st.metadata.freq_orig[-1] dd = 4.15*st.dmarr[dmind]*(f1**(-2)-f2**(-2)) # add annotating info # set spacing and location of the annotating information start = 1.1 space = 0.07 left = 0.0 ax.text(left, start, st.fileroot, fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-space, 'Peak (arcmin): (' + str(np.round(l1arcm, 3)) + ', ' + str(np.round(m1arcm, 3)) + ')', fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') # split the RA and Dec and display in a nice format ra = src_ra.split() dec = src_dec.split() ax.text(left, start-2*space, 'Peak (RA, Dec): (' + ra[0] + ':' + ra[1] + ':' + ra[2][0:4] + ', ' + dec[0] + ':' + dec[1] + ':' + dec[2][0:4] + ')', fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-3*space, 'Source: ' + str(st.metadata.source), fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-4*space, 'scan: ' + str(scan), fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-5*space, 'segment: ' + str(segment), fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-6*space, 'integration: ' + str(candint), fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-7*space, 'DM = ' + str(st.dmarr[dmind]) + ' (index ' + str(dmind) + ')', fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-8*space, 'dt = ' + str(np.round(st.inttime*st.dtarr[dtind], 3)*1e3) + ' ms' + ' (index ' + str(dtind) + ')', fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-9*space, 'disp delay = ' + str(np.round(dd, 1)) + ' ms', fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') ax.text(left, start-10*space, 'SNR: ' + str(np.round(snrobs, 1)), fontname='sans-serif', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='small') # set the plot invisible so that it doesn't interfere with annotations ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('white') ax.spines['top'].set_color('white') ax.spines['right'].set_color('white') ax.spines['left'].set_color('white') # plot full dynamic spectra left, width = 0.75, 0.2*2./3. bottom, height = 0.2, 0.7 # three rectangles for each panel of the spectrum (RR, RR+LL, LL) rect_dynsp1 = [left, bottom, width/3., height] rect_dynsp2 = [left+width/3., bottom, width/3., height] rect_dynsp3 = [left+2.*width/3., bottom, width/3., height] rect_lc1 = [left, bottom-0.1, width/3., 0.1] rect_lc2 = [left+width/3., bottom-0.1, width/3., 0.1] rect_lc3 = [left+2.*width/3., bottom-0.1, width/3., 0.1] rect_sp = [left+width, bottom, 0.1*2./3., height] ax_dynsp1 = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp1) # sharey so that axes line up ax_dynsp2 = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp2, sharey=ax_dynsp1) ax_dynsp3 = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp3, sharey=ax_dynsp1) # hide RR+LL and LL dynamic spectra y labels to avoid overlap [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_dynsp2.get_yticklabels()] [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_dynsp3.get_yticklabels()] ax_sp = fig.add_axes(rect_sp, sharey=ax_dynsp3) [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_sp.get_yticklabels()] ax_lc1 = fig.add_axes(rect_lc1) ax_lc2 = fig.add_axes(rect_lc2, sharey=ax_lc1) ax_lc3 = fig.add_axes(rect_lc3, sharey=ax_lc1) [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_lc2.get_yticklabels()] [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_lc3.get_yticklabels()] # now actually plot the data spectra = np.swapaxes(data.real, 0, 1) dd1 = spectra[..., 0] dd2 = spectra[..., 0] + spectra[..., 1] dd3 = spectra[..., 1] colormap = 'viridis' logger.debug('{0}'.format(dd1.shape)) logger.debug('{0}'.format(dd2.shape)) logger.debug('{0}'.format(dd3.shape)) _ = ax_dynsp1.imshow(dd1, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap(colormap)) _ = ax_dynsp2.imshow(dd2, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap(colormap)) _ = ax_dynsp3.imshow(dd3, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap(colormap)) ax_dynsp1.set_yticks(list(range(0, len(st.freq), 30))) ax_dynsp1.set_yticklabels(st.freq[::30]) ax_dynsp1.set_ylabel('Freq (GHz)') ax_dynsp1.set_xlabel('RR') ax_dynsp1.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax_dynsp2.set_xlabel('RR+LL') ax_dynsp2.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax_dynsp3.set_xlabel('LL') ax_dynsp3.xaxis.set_label_position('top') # hide xlabels invisible so that they don't interefere with lc plots [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_dynsp1.get_xticklabels()] # This one y label was getting in the way ax_dynsp1.get_yticklabels()[0].set_visible(False) # plot stokes I spectrum of the candidate pulse (assume middle bin) # select stokes I middle bin spectrum = spectra[:, len(spectra[0])//2].mean(axis=1) ax_sp.plot(spectrum, list(range(len(spectrum))), 'k.') # plot 0 Jy dotted line ax_sp.plot(np.zeros(len(spectrum)), list(range(len(spectrum))), 'r:') xmin, xmax = ax_sp.get_xlim() ax_sp.set_xticks(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 3).round(2)) ax_sp.set_xlabel('Flux (Jy)') # plot mean flux values for each time bin lc1 = dd1.mean(axis=0) lc2 = dd2.mean(axis=0) lc3 = dd3.mean(axis=0) lenlc = len(data) ax_lc1.plot(list(range(0, lenlc)), list(lc1)[:lenlc], 'k.') ax_lc2.plot(list(range(0, lenlc)), list(lc2)[:lenlc], 'k.') ax_lc3.plot(list(range(0, lenlc)), list(lc3)[:lenlc], 'k.') # plot 0 Jy dotted line for each plot ax_lc1.plot(list(range(0, lenlc)), list(np.zeros(lenlc)), 'r:') ax_lc2.plot(list(range(0, lenlc)), list(np.zeros(lenlc)), 'r:') ax_lc3.plot(list(range(0, lenlc)), list(np.zeros(lenlc)), 'r:') ax_lc2.set_xlabel('Integration (rel)') ax_lc1.set_ylabel('Flux (Jy)') ax_lc1.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) # only show the '0' label for one of the plots to avoid messy overlap ax_lc1.set_xticklabels(['0', str(lenlc//2), str(lenlc)]) ax_lc2.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) ax_lc2.set_xticklabels(['', str(lenlc//2), str(lenlc)]) ax_lc3.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) ax_lc3.set_xticklabels(['', str(lenlc//2), str(lenlc)]) ymin, ymax = ax_lc1.get_ylim() ax_lc1.set_yticks(np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 3).round(2)) # adjust the x tick marks to line up with the lc plots ax_dynsp1.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) ax_dynsp2.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) ax_dynsp3.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) # plot second set of dynamic spectra left, width = 0.45, 0.1333 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.4 rect_dynsp1 = [left, bottom, width/3., height] rect_dynsp2 = [left+width/3., bottom, width/3., height] rect_dynsp3 = [left+2.*width/3., bottom, width/3., height] rect_sp = [left+width, bottom, 0.1*2./3., height] ax_dynsp1 = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp1) ax_dynsp2 = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp2, sharey=ax_dynsp1) ax_dynsp3 = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp3, sharey=ax_dynsp1) # hide RR+LL and LL dynamic spectra y labels [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_dynsp2.get_yticklabels()] [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_dynsp3.get_yticklabels()] ax_sp = fig.add_axes(rect_sp, sharey=ax_dynsp3) [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax_sp.get_yticklabels()] # calculate the channels to average together for SNR=2 n = int((2.*(len(spectra))**0.5/snrobs)**2) if n == 0: # if n==0 then don't average dd1avg = dd1 dd3avg = dd3 else: # otherwise, add zeros onto the data so that it's length is cleanly # divisible by n (makes it easier to average over) dd1zerotemp = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n-len(spectra) % n, len(spectra[0])), dtype=dd1.dtype), dd1), axis=0) dd3zerotemp = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n-len(spectra) % n, len(spectra[0])), dtype=dd3.dtype), dd3), axis=0) # make masked arrays so appended zeros do not affect average zeros = np.zeros((len(dd1), len(dd1[0]))) ones = np.ones((n-len(spectra) % n, len(dd1[0]))) masktemp = np.concatenate((ones, zeros), axis=0) dd1zero =, mask=masktemp) dd3zero =, mask=masktemp) # average together the data dd1avg = np.array([], dtype=dd1.dtype) for i in range(len(spectra[0])): temp = dd1zero[:, i].reshape(-1, n) tempavg = np.reshape(np.mean(temp, axis=1), (len(temp), 1)) # repeats the mean values to create more pixels # (easier to properly crop when it is finally displayed) temprep = np.repeat(tempavg, n, axis=0) if i == 0: dd1avg = temprep else: dd1avg = np.concatenate((dd1avg, temprep), axis=1) dd3avg = np.array([], dtype=dd3.dtype) for i in range(len(spectra[0])): temp = dd3zero[:, i].reshape(-1, n) tempavg = np.reshape(np.mean(temp, axis=1), (len(temp), 1)) temprep = np.repeat(tempavg, n, axis=0) if i == 0: dd3avg = temprep else: dd3avg = np.concatenate((dd3avg, temprep), axis=1) dd2avg = dd1avg + dd3avg # add together to get averaged RR+LL spectrum colormap = 'viridis' # if n==0 then don't crop the spectra because no zeroes were appended if n == 0: dd1avgcrop = dd1avg dd2avgcrop = dd2avg dd3avgcrop = dd3avg else: # otherwise, crop off the appended zeroes dd1avgcrop = dd1avg[len(ones):len(dd1avg), :] dd2avgcrop = dd2avg[len(ones):len(dd2avg), :] dd3avgcrop = dd3avg[len(ones):len(dd3avg), :] logger.debug('{0}'.format(dd1avgcrop.shape)) logger.debug('{0}'.format(dd2avgcrop.shape)) logger.debug('{0}'.format(dd3avgcrop.shape)) _ = ax_dynsp1.imshow(dd1avgcrop, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap(colormap)) _ = ax_dynsp2.imshow(dd2avgcrop, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap(colormap)) _ = ax_dynsp3.imshow(dd3avgcrop, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap(colormap)) ax_dynsp1.set_yticks(list(range(0, len(st.freq), 30))) ax_dynsp1.set_yticklabels(st.freq[::30]) ax_dynsp1.set_ylabel('Freq (GHz)') ax_dynsp1.set_xlabel('RR') ax_dynsp1.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax_dynsp2.set_xlabel('Integration (rel)') ax2 = ax_dynsp2.twiny() ax2.set_xlabel('RR+LL') [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax2.get_xticklabels()] ax_dynsp3.set_xlabel('LL') ax_dynsp3.xaxis.set_label_position('top') # plot stokes I spectrum of the candidate pulse from middle integration ax_sp.plot(dd2avgcrop[:, len(dd2avgcrop[0])//2]/2., list(range(len(dd2avgcrop))), 'k.') ax_sp.plot(np.zeros(len(dd2avgcrop)), list(range(len(dd2avgcrop))), 'r:') xmin, xmax = ax_sp.get_xlim() ax_sp.set_xticks(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 3).round(2)) ax_sp.get_xticklabels()[0].set_visible(False) ax_sp.set_xlabel('Flux (Jy)') # readjust the x tick marks on the dynamic spectra ax_dynsp1.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) ax_dynsp1.set_xticklabels(['0', str(lenlc//2), str(lenlc)]) ax_dynsp2.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) ax_dynsp2.set_xticklabels(['', str(lenlc//2), str(lenlc)]) ax_dynsp3.set_xticks([0, 0.5*lenlc, lenlc]) ax_dynsp3.set_xticklabels(['', str(lenlc//2), str(lenlc)]) # plot the image and zoomed cutout ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4) fov = np.degrees(1./st.uvres)*60. _ = ax.imshow(im.transpose(), aspect='equal', origin='upper', interpolation='nearest', extent=[fov/2, -fov/2, -fov/2, fov/2], cmap=plt.get_cmap('viridis'), vmin=0, vmax=0.5*im.max()) ax.set_xlabel('RA Offset (arcmin)') ax.set_ylabel('Dec Offset (arcmin)') # to set scale when we plot the triangles that label the location ax.autoscale(False) # add markers on the axes at measured position of the candidate ax.scatter(x=[l1arcm], y=[-fov/2], c='#ffff00', s=60, marker='^', clip_on=False) ax.scatter(x=[fov/2], y=[m1arcm], c='#ffff00', s=60, marker='>', clip_on=False) # makes it so the axis does not intersect the location triangles ax.set_frame_on(False) # add a zoomed cutout image of the candidate (set width at 5*beam) sbeam = np.mean(st.beamsize_deg)*60 # figure out the location to center the zoomed image on xratio = len(im[0])/fov # pix/arcmin yratio = len(im)/fov # pix/arcmin mult = 5 # sets how many times the synthesized beam the zoomed FOV is xmin = max(0, int(len(im[0])//2-(m1arcm+sbeam*mult)*xratio)) xmax = int(len(im[0])//2-(m1arcm-sbeam*mult)*xratio) ymin = max(0, int(len(im)//2-(l1arcm+sbeam*mult)*yratio)) ymax = int(len(im)//2-(l1arcm-sbeam*mult)*yratio) left, width = 0.231, 0.15 bottom, height = 0.465, 0.15 rect_imcrop = [left, bottom, width, height] ax_imcrop = fig.add_axes(rect_imcrop) logger.debug('{0}'.format(im.transpose()[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax].shape)) logger.debug('{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) _ = ax_imcrop.imshow(im.transpose()[xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax], aspect=1, origin='upper', interpolation='nearest', extent=[-1, 1, -1, 1], cmap=plt.get_cmap('viridis'), vmin=0, vmax=0.5*im.max()) # setup the axes ax_imcrop.set_ylabel('Dec (arcmin)') ax_imcrop.set_xlabel('RA (arcmin)') ax_imcrop.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax_imcrop.xaxis.tick_top() xlabels = [str(np.round(l1arcm+sbeam*mult/2, 1)), '', str(np.round(l1arcm, 1)), '', str(np.round(l1arcm-sbeam*mult/2, 1))] ylabels = [str(np.round(m1arcm-sbeam*mult/2, 1)), '', str(np.round(m1arcm, 1)), '', str(np.round(m1arcm+sbeam*mult/2, 1))] ax_imcrop.set_xticklabels(xlabels) ax_imcrop.set_yticklabels(ylabels) # change axis label loc of inset to avoid the full picture ax_imcrop.get_yticklabels()[0].set_verticalalignment('bottom') # create SNR versus N histogram for the whole observation # (properties for each candidate in the observation given by prop) if len(snrs): left, width = 0.45, 0.2 bottom, height = 0.6, 0.3 rect_snr = [left, bottom, width, height] ax_snr = fig.add_axes(rect_snr) pos_snrs = snrs[snrs >= 0] neg_snrs = snrs[snrs < 0] if not len(neg_snrs): # if working with subset and only pos snrs neg_snrs = pos_snrs nonegs = True else: nonegs = False minval = 5.5 maxval = 8.0 # determine the min and max values of the x axis if min(pos_snrs) < min(np.abs(neg_snrs)): minval = min(pos_snrs) else: minval = min(np.abs(neg_snrs)) if max(pos_snrs) > max(np.abs(neg_snrs)): maxval = max(pos_snrs) else: maxval = max(np.abs(neg_snrs)) # positive SNR bins are in blue # absolute values of negative SNR bins are taken and plotted as # red x's on top of positive blue bins for compactness n, b, patches = ax_snr.hist(pos_snrs, 50, (minval, maxval), facecolor='blue', zorder=1) vals, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.abs(neg_snrs), 50, (minval, maxval)) bins = np.array([(bin_edges[i]+bin_edges[i+1])/2. for i in range(len(vals))]) vals = np.array(vals) if not nonegs: ax_snr.scatter(bins[vals > 0], vals[vals > 0], marker='x', c='orangered', alpha=1.0, zorder=2) ax_snr.set_xlabel('SNR') ax_snr.set_xlim(left=minval-0.2) ax_snr.set_xlim(right=maxval+0.2) ax_snr.set_ylabel('N') ax_snr.set_yscale('log') # draw vertical line where the candidate SNR is ax_snr.axvline(x=np.abs(snrobs), linewidth=1, color='y', alpha=0.7) if not outname: outname = os.path.join(st.prefs.workdir, 'cands_{0}_seg{1}-i{2}-dm{3}-dt{4}.png' .format(st.fileroot, segment, candint, dmind, dtind)) try: canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.print_figure(outname) except ValueError: logger.warn('Could not write figure to %s' % outname) def source_location(pt_ra, pt_dec, l1, m1): """ Takes phase center and src l,m in radians to get ra,dec of source. Returns string ('hh mm ss', 'dd mm ss') """ import math srcra = np.degrees(pt_ra + l1/math.cos(pt_dec)) srcdec = np.degrees(pt_dec + m1) return deg2HMS(srcra, srcdec) def deg2HMS(ra=None, dec=None, round=False): """ quick and dirty coord conversion. googled to find """ RA, DEC, rs, ds = '', '', '', '' if dec is not None: if str(dec)[0] == '-': ds, dec = '-', abs(dec) deg = int(dec) decM = abs(int((dec-deg)*60)) if round: decS = int((abs((dec-deg)*60)-decM)*60) else: decS = (abs((dec-deg)*60)-decM)*60 DEC = '{0}{1} {2} {3}'.format(ds, deg, decM, decS) if ra is not None: if str(ra)[0] == '-': rs, ra = '-', abs(ra) raH = int(ra/15) raM = int(((ra/15)-raH)*60) if round: raS = int(((((ra/15)-raH)*60)-raM)*60) else: raS = ((((ra/15)-raH)*60)-raM)*60 RA = '{0}{1} {2} {3}'.format(rs, raH, raM, raS) if ra is not None and dec is not None: return (RA, DEC) else: return RA or DEC